2007年2月27日 星期二

49/50 駕照駕照!!!

恩 對 今天要考駕照

早上很慎重的吃完早餐 記得上次這麼緊張是在7/1早上8點之前(進考場之後腦子一樣是一片空白)

12點集合 到了教練場人好多 想說不知道要等到什麼時候

還好我有自備一本英語名句典 這樣才不會無聊咩XD

慢慢等 細細品味裡面的字句 兩個小時很快就過啦^^"

終於輪到我(緊張) 坐上車 前面那個開的還滿順的 好像也沒有壓到線或是怎樣


坐上駕駛座 跟監考官問安


我後面那個好像也滿緊張的 她說聽說有人考了十幾次 囧





哈哈 我有駕照了 不過駕照"實體"還沒拿到手 還要一個星期


頂多是未帶駕照罰個300 來啊來啊我有駕照怕你啊XD

晚上就跟我爸開車出去了 XD


超想馬上告訴你的 可是我沒你的電話ˊˋ

2007年2月26日 星期一

48/50 筆試筆試筆試!!!


懷著忐忑不安的心情坐上筆試機(緊張) 眼前空白依片

還好考題出來幾乎都是考我有唸的 除了一兩題之外

交通規則第二題的動畫超好笑 題目好像是"在高速公路上不能蛇行 迴轉&逆向行駛" 我不知道位什麼它的逆向行駛突然開始飆車= =...

慎重的回答 還兩度差一點在按"上一題"鍵的時候差點按到"結束"鍵 囧

檢查了一遍 整個考題作完大概只花了10分鐘吧

按下結束 呼還好有93分ˇˇˇ 超開心~~~

後來在大廳等車 搜尋了一下居然有無線網路:default

就上MSN跟Mac報喜 不過才打了一句話就跑去撘車了

還看到小劉在線上>w< 就想說等一下回內中好了

後來跟14班的小胖一起搭車回去 在車上聊了一下大家各自的大學生活

比如說他們遇到系上唯二的大刀之一 連學長都說他們運氣太好了XD




以上次45分鐘花掉600元計算: 3.5*60/45*600=2800...我身上沒帶那麼多前= =

到處晃晃騷擾一下老師教官 不過總覺得我回的不是時候 今天高一二期初競試老師都到處監考超級難找的 高三又剛剛發成績單三導快忙翻了

梅姐剛好有空就去跟她聊天 她說她問到今年最高分是68

聊一聊一個303的來了 她就問學弟小龍考多少



我:我等等去恭喜他一下好了= =

後來到處晃晃晃遇到幾個熟人 怎嚜大家都說考不好啊= =

在教官室沒看到小劉跟宗智 就跟主教聊天

其實主教的頭從某一個角度看還滿...可愛的= =

內中要換新制服了 不過我覺得那個西裝外套只有一字叫做"醜" 以前的還比較好看

方西台說的沒錯 至少那個還抱起來暖暖的 新的感覺就很怪= =

後來戈盃回來 好像是剛從保健室量完體重出來吧 一直叫要減肥 還說下次要把衣服眼鏡皮帶鞋子襪子都脫了再去量= =


小阿姨還給我吃醋鹽口味洋芋片 我問她在哪裡買的 她說101的超市有賣 其他地方都找不到

還說其他學妹吃了都叫怎麼那麼酸 XDDD

後來要回去練車 在一樓連接走廊遇到牛大

牛大:唷 回來也不來打個招呼就想無聲無息的溜走阿 還穿金色鞋子穿絲襪 上大學就不一樣摟


牛大:哈 看不出來妳皮膚這麼好耶


跟上次說他們班的學弟來淡江參觀 他說那個學弟很單純


哈啦了一下 牛大說他該去上課了 上一堂課不過400跟我聊一下天還比較賺(什麼意思啊XD)

練車 不好ˊˋ


今天整個是在亂開 不知道事太嗨還是怎樣

壓線 開到安全島上 方向盤沒打好...


可惜你當時不在線上 不然我一定第一個告訴你ˇ

2007年2月25日 星期日


早上我爸5:45起床去上班 我就跟著被吵醒了

早上六點的批踢踢人超少的 7K多人而已

然後就這樣呆坐再電腦前面一直到中午 時間過的很快對不對(笑)

中午Eason跑來還我光碟說下午要回中央 我終於可以灌我的Office 2003了(感動)

吃完中餐開開心心的去練車 今天狀況超棒的阿~都沒有壓線什麼的ˇ


練完車等我爸來接我 今天走了一條沒走過的路

我跟我爸想說 剛剛應該開GPS的 搞不好會看到我們現在在山上XDDD


我爸:我剛剛才到家換好衣服正要坐下來看昨天買的片子 你就打電話來啦


我爸:不是 是我的錯 我不應該回家換好衣服 不應該坐下來看昨天買的片子 我應該等妳打電話叫我來接妳



回到家 我爸在整理他的DVD

我爸:哈哈你看 原來我Black Rain買了五個版本 死亡筆記本買了兩個版本~


我爸:(打電話)喂那個Z先生啊~ 我24反恐任務第五季買了兩套耶@#$!%...


晚上外婆約表第一家來吃飯 痾...今天的名目是"開學前一天"

每次我們四個聚再一起一定是-打牌 對 打牌 還是打牌





我爸:噓~小聲一點啦 現在幾點要重灌這種事情還講這麼大聲 小心人家叫你Ms.重灌


我媽不知道發什麼瘋突然跟我說 如果有下輩子我還要做何XX 但是我要好好唸書做到副總 不要只當個船務經理(指桑罵槐?)



好久沒上批踢踢表特版了 晃一下居然看到熟人@@

要看原始文章請再表特/中正大學 哈哈

不過聽到仁鈺唱這首歌有點嚇到 聲音好低唷@@







form genica@ptt

作者 wolver (超級大色狼) 看板 Hate

標題 [夭壽] 好貴的vista

時間 Thu Feb 15 10:47:59 2007



品質 - 正版軟體常常會發生缺少重要元件與文件的問題,





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

◆ From:

[轉錄]Windows Vista 真的沒有抄襲 Mac OS X

From The New York Times : http://0rz.tw/bc2dI (請點選連結欣賞影片)

哈囉,我是 David Pogue。在我的新一期專欄我要來評論一下 Windows Vista,


它有許多相當不錯的功能,看來的確賞心悅目,也比之前版本的 Windows 要安全。

不過有一件事情很讓我困擾就是,很多人主張微軟在 Vista 的開發創建上,得到

了與成就不相稱的讚譽。他們說,Windows Vista 完全只是竊取蘋果電腦作業系

統,Mac OS X,的成品。

好吧的確,微軟弄上了許多漂亮的小三角形來縮小目錄,這和 Mac OS X 一樣,


片管理程式,和 iPhoto 類似。

但你知道嗎?這其實只是迷信而已。我認為這些說微軟抄襲 Mac OS X 的主張只


竊取 Mac OS X 的想法。我們開始吧。

你在 Mac OS X 裡看到的會類似這樣。按下按鈕,打進在找的東西,接著 Spotlight

這個功能就會找出你的檔案系統裡所有的文件、圖片以及 e-mail 訊息。嗯,現

在 Windows Vista 裡面也有這個功能了。在開始裡面有個小欄位可以打進你想

找的東西。但這是抄襲 Mac 的 Spotlight 而來的嗎?不是喔。怎麼證明?再看



繼續吧。這是他們稱作 Sidebar 的新功能。許多 pop-up 小程式可以追蹤天氣、


的一樣嗎?我不覺得。蘋果的那些 pop-up 程式稱作「widgets」,微軟的叫做


年 Mac OS X 附了一個相當酷的三維西洋棋遊戲。在 Windows Vista 裡也有一



Windows Vista 裡,選擇是大理石、木質,或者陶瓷!所以我們終於可以把問題


爛貨,而我們也要建立一個概念,Windows Vista 有著完全屬於它自己的特色!

V for Vista, baby!!


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

◆ From:

→ Billgates:XD 12/18 12:15

推 i12n:XD 12/18 12:31

推 AllFake:XP 12/18 12:46

推 bku2:我用蘋果耶! 12/18 12:55

推 kterry1000:好酸XD 12/18 13:00

推 bigbigword:蘋果作業系統要錢嗎? 12/18 13:05

推 noonee:他是故意的嗎?換個位子換個顏色就說不一樣.... 12/18 13:16

推 timyau:酸蘋果 12/18 13:37

推 kingzzz:XD 12/18 13:42

推 jayin07:XDDD 12/18 13:46

推 s7154:酸VISTA吧 12/18 14:34

推 a004107:好白癡的解釋... 12/18 14:54

推 babymilkiss:可是蘋果好貴...-0- 12/18 15:39

推 Drizzt1115:蘋果作業系統要錢的,但是買機器都包作業系統。 12/18 16:20

推 godofxbox:為什麼只有一樓顯示IP 其他人都沒有?? 12/18 16:42

推 powerguy: 為什麼只有一樓顯示IP 其他人都沒有?? 12/18 17:24

推 wayaya: 為什麼只有一樓顯示IP 其他人都沒有?? 12/18 17:28

推 YCF0510: 為什麼只有一樓顯示IP 其他人都沒有?? 12/18 17:30

推 oopsskimo:為什麼只有一樓顯示IP 其他人都沒有?? 12/18 17:51

推 strangechu: 什麼只有一樓顯示IP 其他人都沒有?? 12/18 18:03

推 XDGE: 12/18 18:05

→ XDGE: 12/18 18:05

→ XDGE: ╮ ╭ ╭─────── ────╮ 12/18 18:05

→ XDGE: ◢███◣ │屌壓妹!不要以為你門隱藏│ 12/18 18:05

→ XDGE: ╭█◤ˋ ˊ| ╯IP我就不知妳們是閩南人 │ 12/18 18:05

→ XDGE: ◤─◎︵◎╲ ╰─────── ────╯ 12/18 18:05

→ XDGE: │ (˙˙) | 12/18 18:05

→ XDGE: ╲ o ╱ 12/18 18:05

→ XDGE: ◢╰──╯◤ 12/18 18:05

→ XDGE: │ ︶ ︶╲ 12/18 18:05

→ XDGE: 12/18 18:05

推 Jerrynet: 為什麼只有一樓顯示IP 其他人都沒有?? 12/18 18:20

推 spooky221:xD 12/18 18:21

推 ilikeeat: 為什麼只有一樓顯示IP 其他人都沒有?? 真的想知道 12/18 19:15

推 teee:因為他是比爾蓋飯 12/18 19:22

推 chodaict:XD 12/18 19:38

推 hwst:XDD 12/18 20:04

→ miniblue9:為什麼只有一樓顯示IP 其他人都沒有?? 12/18 20:15

推 heroerrantry: 麼只有一樓顯示LP 其他人都沒有?? 12/18 20:39

推 Attemborough:某跳針吱吱果然跑來這裡po自畫像 XD 12/18 20:59

推 davidgogogo:這短片真的很好笑~~~~~y 12/18 22:31

推 DistinyX:看短片學英文 12/18 22:33

推 edokawa:因為他是Billgates 12/19 01:54

→ newhan:..............................@@ 12/20 12:25

推 cbate: 為什麼只有一樓顯示IP 其他人都沒有?? 12/20 21:22


推 ralse:Widget是konfabulator的作品..後來被mac拿去加dashboard內 12/25 16:12

→ ralse:所以..konfabulator就出了windows版..(之前都是mac版) 12/25 16:12

→ ralse:又過了一陣子..Konfabulator被yahoo收購..變yahoo widgets! 12/25 16:13

推 ralse:也從付費軟體變成免費的囉..XD 12/25 16:15

2007年2月24日 星期六


價齊要結束了 慢慢開始回復正常生活的步調


吃完午餐開始恢復練車 快要考試了怎麼辦 好緊張@@

練車到目前為止都很順暢 沒什麼大問題

不過似乎太久沒開真的有差 好像不知道在哪裡壓到線了

而且有一個場地的路邊停車白線上好像被炸了一個洞 囧


今天看到仁鈺耶 她還找人來幫忙押車 真好我也要~


拿到駕照就等同於拿到鑰匙 到時候我就可以開車出門了!

晚上去公館吃翠林 晚餐之前先到問津堂(基本上是一家賣簡體出版品的書店)台大店晃一下

問津堂還滿有趣的 好像有師大跟台大兩間 但是裡面擺的樞類別都不同 ex:台大店擺的是文史哲 師大店有音樂宗教等等


不行不行我不能再買了 開始拿出PDA一一記下書名與ISBN 有朝一日我書櫃多了空位我會把這十幾本書搬回家的!

後來去吃飯 結論是不是用餐時間吃飯果然比較舒服ˇ


今天還跟那位來自泰國北部的服務生姊姊聊了一下 我們也算熟客吧 至少跟她也很熟了

她說她已經嫁給台灣人了 為了等身分證快七年沒回家 因為如果出境在入境的話時間要延長...


吃完再去問津堂師大店 為了兩手空空出來我又花了很多時間KEY書名跟ISBN...

差一點敗了一套京華煙雲DVD $:149X 後來又反悔了 想說既然已經叫騾子駝回來了那就別買了 但後來又很掙扎 到現在有點後悔...= =

看著我爸手裡拿著大包小包的心裡很不是滋味 最好不要再讓我發現你把書偷偷塞到我輸櫃裡= =

回到外婆家把古箏搬出來 最近一直在研究義假要怎麼戴比較好彈


K交通規則 掰

2007年2月23日 星期五



我媽很天才 訂了一家她不記得在哪裡的餐廳...

其實沒吃飽耶 因為不太知道要拿什麼 好像都不太合我的胃ˊˋ

到最後只吃菇類跟生菜沙拉 囧rz

最喜歡的是他們的酥皮濃湯 我喝了兩碗ˇ

下午的行程原本是帶我外婆去逛sogo 從敦化南路到sogo忠孝店根據urmap的規全長1952公尺

想像一下:一個老人加上一個穿不慣高跟鞋的女人= =...




外婆:逛什麼SOGO 回家!




PDA:到達目的地結束語音服務 前方三百公尺有測速照相

我:囧 真的假的

我爸:囧 真的假的

剛我媽在看她的喬家大院 演到陸玉涵拿陸家傳家之寶"翡翠玉白菜"跟她老爸山西第一摳"借"(這跟那是借啊 根本是搶!)銀子

後來還跟喬致庸說 以後我們沒銀子還可以用它跟我爹借個幾萬兩(翡翠玉白菜值三十萬兩 當掉還可以換個十萬兩)


晚上去三舅舅家回禮 喝茶聊天順便A回來一包秀珍菇酥 好吃ˇ

A玩東(喂!)以後去吃根本 把今天中餐沒吃飽的都補回來了(滿足的摸摸肚子)

經過眼鏡行 突然想換眼鏡 就跟老闆說好明天把之前被球打到的那附眼鏡眼鏡拿去配(我真的是想到什麼就做什麼耶= =)

路過屈臣氏 原本想說要買小又上次講的那個去光...凝膠嗎?那到底叫什麼啊 不知道叫什麼怎麼問店員ˊˋ

後來又買了一灌護甲液+5片面膜+一大包抽取式衛生紙 希望我不要連面膜都可以放到過期 囧

最近都在幹麻啊 好久沒看到你了說ˇ

2007年2月22日 星期四

44/50 現在是剩下六天喔?

唔 很好

寒假了這麼多天 只能用四個字兒形容

叫做"一事無成" ˊˋ


我跟我爸跑去光華商場買...古箏弦 還買到了orz

其實我也不是要弦啦 我主要是要它那個金屬片(?) 有那個就好辦XD


用啪啪夠規劃出來的路線十分有趣 一直叫你在不能迴轉的地方迴轉 在禁止左轉的地方左轉


在HANDS敗了一灌拼圖用膠水 差點還跟我爸各拿一個包包 後來我爸狠不下心($:8XX)又放回去了

看到Elecom的Ear Drops系列耳機超級心動 可惜我是窮光蛋 而且家裡還有好個沒拆過的耳機


我有點想自己貼耶 誰知道哪裡有賣水鑽貼紙?

後來去逛紀伊國屋 不小心看到了大英博物館250年 還有一本巴洛克時期作品鋼琴獨奏譜所以又買了這樣...

之前上網看了一下大家關於大英贓物展的心得 聽說埃及展區沒有到故宮應有的水準?


話說再逛HANDS的時候看到一張滑鼠墊(懸賞啟示請按我) 想了半天想不到把他丟在哪 最近怎麼都沒看到


.....淦 我好像把它夾在我的微積分課本裡 囧...

那那次我丟的就不只990了...是990+170 >"<

晚餐in香宜德國料理 除了那個不會幫人點菜的侍者之外吃的很開心 我一直忘記問我愛吃的那種是什麼香腸了 自從上次在金色三麥吃過之後念念不忘的美味ˇ

點了杯黑啤酒 看起來很高 不過我想應該不到700

吃的超 級 撐 (炸) 廢話吃了25XX還能不撐嗎?

而且我媽去吃下午茶早就灌飽了 我爸也說他已經半飽 到最後都是我在吃 囧

不過真的不錯 而且還滿有氣氛的 把妹的時候想展現財力可以一試ˇ

晚上花了45分鐘在幫古箏調音 哈哈現在它是16弦了ˇ

不過我有點不太清楚拇指的義甲大概該戴在哪裡 誰可以教一下= =?

2007年2月21日 星期三

[轉錄]2005 The Forbes Fictional 15

The Forbes Fictional 15


Michael Noer, 12.01.05, 6:00 PM ET 

New York -

Collectively, we are fascinated by the super-rich. We devour their biographies. We hang on their advice. Maybe we even hope for their downfall. But in our attempts to explain the ultra-rich--and their super-inflated bank accounts--we are often guilty of reducing real people to mere caricatures. There is the monopolist. The oracle. The genius. The thief.

With the Forbes Fictional 15, we have taken the opposite approach--fiction’s caricatures are elevated to the status of real people.

To qualify for the Fictional 15, we insisted that members be both fictional (in the sense that we excluded mythological and folkloric figures) and characters (meaning they are part of a narrative story or series of stories). Great wealth was required to be one of the primary attributes of the characters on this list--in other words, we looked for characters that were known, within their universes, for being rich.

Of course, there is one notable exception to all these rules: Santa Claus, who is mythological and not really known for his great wealth. Our excuse? We just couldn’t resist. What’s the point of doing a list about fictional characters if you can’t break the rules, at least just a little?

This list is an updated version of an earlier Fictional 15, which we published three years ago. After all, the passage of time affects even the timeless.

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#1 Claus, Santa 

Net Worth: $ ∞

Source: Toys, Candy

Age: 1,651

Marital Status: Married, no children.

Hometown: North Pole

North Pole's tubby toy titan remains fiction's richest character, despite ongoing strife with Elvish labor force. Elves bemoan low-wages, lack of health care coverage and union-busting tactics of "Claws." Factory operations also dogged by several documented instances of child-labor. Santa retorts that "immortal" Elves don't need health insurance, and says child-workers were being punished for being "naughty." Analysts expect impact on toy and candy production to be minimal. Claus' ultimate motivations for annual gift-giving orgy remain unclear. Speculated to be tormented by infinite wealth; embarks on annual around-the-world trip in a futile attempt to give it away. Others detect darker side, noting percentage of children receiving lumps of coal and ill-treatment of rare Finnish-bred flying reindeer. Claus himself plays it close to the vest, cryptically muttering "Ho! Ho! Ho!" Member since time immemorial. -- Michael Noer

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red arrow indicates Santa Claus

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#2 Warbucks, Oliver "Daddy" 

Net Worth: $27.3 billion

Source: Defense Industries

Age: 52

Marital Status: Divorced, one child

Hometown: New York, N.Y.

Education: S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook, B.S.

Iraqi conflict has been kind to Warbucks; recipient of multiple defense contracts; cat-food holdings also up. Since adopting daughter Annie, has spent or given away much of his fortune, but still fiction's second-richest man. Rarely seen in public without bodyguards Punjab and Asp; both reputed to have mystical powers and great strength. Press reports charge Warbucks frequently pulls Annie out of school for globe-trotting jaunts with Sandy, her Airedale terrier. Member since 1924. -- Matthew Herper

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks

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#3 Rich, Richie 

Net Worth: $17 billion

Source: Inheritance, Conglomerates

Age: 10

Marital Status: Single

Hometown: Richville, U.S.A.

Education: Richville Elementary

The "poor little rich boy" continues to share father's fortune with underprivileged kids in native Richville, paving basketball courts with gold and donating caviar to soup kitchens. Also: Successfully foiled plan by spoiled cousin Reggie Van Dough to cancel Christmas. But critics claim sinister intent underlies charitable exterior. Genetic engineering of "Dollarmatian" dogs with dollar-sign spots has animal rights groups fuming, and use of robotic maids led to wildcat strikes in Rich Industries' hotel group. Fortune took a hit after failed attempt to launch "Richie" fashion line, which consisted entirely of waistcoats and blue shorts. Member since 1953. -- David M. Ewalt

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

 Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates Richie Rich

© 2001 FOX Broadcasting

#4 Luthor, Lex 

Net Worth: $10.1 billion

Source: Defense, Software, Real Estate

Age: 52

Marital Status: Single

Hometown: Metropolis, U.S.A.

Education: Metropolis University, B.S; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D.

A year after his term as president ended in scandal, Luthor returned to the helm of LexCorp unbowed. Inventor of personal jetpack, robot guard dog said to be back in the lab. Singles out negative reporting by former friend and Daily Planet writer Clark Kent as "worst kind of tabloid journalism." Spent childhood in idyllic Smallville, Kans.; moved to Metropolis at age 21; built LexCorp into world's largest defense and software firm. Claims "superpowered do-gooders" are plotting to take over the world. Prominent supporter of "extropian" life-extension research. Member since 1940. -- Matthew Herper

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates Lex Luthor

© 2001 FOX Broadcasting

#5 Burns, Charles Montgomery 

Net Worth: $8.4 billion

Source: Energy

Age: 104

Marital Status: Single, one bastard child.

Hometown: Springfield, U.S.A.

Education: Yale University, B.S.

Owner and operator of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant for more than 50 years; also water works and a hotel on Baltic Avenue. Saved millions by canceling company's prescription drug plan, but reinstated same after assistant Smithers' thyroid condition brought him to the brink of death. Bought the Frank Gehry-designed Springfield Concert Hall from the city and turned it into a prison. Struggling Monty Burns Casino chain purchased this year by MGM Mirage for $2.1 billion. Has every disease known to man, and survives only because they perfectly counteract one another, an extremely rare medical condition known as "Three Stooges Syndrome." Credits longevity to Satan. Member since 1989. -- David M. Ewalt

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

 Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates C. Montgomery Burns

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#6 McDuck, Scrooge

 Net Worth: $8.2 billion

Source: Mining

Age: 80

Marital Status: Single

Hometown: Duckburg, U.S.A.

Education: Cluck U dropout.

Planet's wealthiest poultry in hiding due to fear of bird flu. Thought to be in "money bin," five-story tower in Duckburg that is world's largest repository of gold coins. As adolescent, moved to American West from native Scotland and amassed fortune in gold and copper. Keeps most of his money in bullion. Known to enjoy swimming in money. Literally. Likely heirs Huey, Dewey and Louie (grand-nephews) now living alone in Duckburg mansion. Absent Scrooge's supervision, Dewey spotted canoodling with Parrot Hilton. Reportedly wrote nephew Donald, a deckhand in U.S. Navy, back into his will. Member since 1947. -- Matthew Herper

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

 Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates Scrooge McDuck

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#7 Clampett, Jed 

Net Worth: $6.6 billion

Source: Oil & Gas, Banking

Age: 51

Marital Status: Widowed, one child.

Hometown: Beverly Hills, Calif.

Education: Ozark Elementary, dropout

Parlayed small gusher on Ozark homestead into multinational energy juggernaught. Clampett Oil went public, 1984, but closely knit Clampett-clan still dominates executive suite; Jed, Chairman and CEO; Cousin Jethro oversees Russian operations; Elly May looks after environmental compliance; "Granny" handles finance. Also: banking operations. Clampett bought small savings and loan, 1967, ousted long-serving president, Milton Drysdale. Expanded operations across California, then West. Now 356 branches in ten states. Remains country-boy at heart; major player on bass-fishing circuit, serves 'coon at corporate retreats. Member since 1962. -- Michael Noer

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

 Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates Jed Clampett

© Warner Brothers/Courtesy Everett Collection

#8 Wayne, Bruce 

Net Worth: $6.5 billion

Source: Inheritance; Defense

Age: 32

Marital Status: Single

Hometown: Gotham City, U.S.A

Wealthy playboy took family business Wayne Enterprises private earlier this year; SEC still investigating; valuable military prototypes said to have "disappeared." Watched parents gunned down, age 8; spent years in hiding. Returned to Gotham, age 25, assumed control of Wayne Enterprise board. Lives in stately Wayne Manor despite municipal worries about giant sinkholes beneath foundation. Short-lived romances with famous faces: photographer Vicki Vale, socialite Silver St. Cloud and heiress Talia Al Ghul. Rumors continue to swirl over long-time habit of keeping teenage boys as wards. Member since 1939. -- Matthew Herper

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

 Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates Bruce Wayne

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#9 Howell, Thurston III

Net Worth: $5.7 billion

Source: Howell Industries

Age: 60

Marital Status: Married, no children

Hometown: Private Island, Pacific Ocean

Education: Harvard, B.A.

Fled U.S. to avoid federal tax evasion charges; rumored to be holed up on private Pacific island with a small cadre of trusted associates. Wife Lovey now back stateside, working Washington social circuit; lobbying for presidential pardon. Overcame youthful image as a playboy bachelor after inheriting privately held Howell Industries in 1955. Went on acquistion binge, snapping up undervalued assets, expanding into plastics, chemicals, concrete. Polished demeanor and self-deprecating manner disguise ruthless methods. Competitors, underlings never underestimate him twice. Still thought to control privately-held Howell Industries through various proxies; company has made recent push into "unsinkable" double-hulled leisure watercraft; new CEO insists on being called "Skipper." Member since 1964. -- Michael Noer

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates Thurston Howell III

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#10 Wonka, Willy

Net Worth: $2.3 billion

Source: Candy

Age: 57

Marital Status: Single

Hometown: Kent, England

Reclusive chocolate-factory owner was hit hard by low-carb diet craze, but has seen fortunes improve in recent months thanks to innovative new sweets conceived by protégé Charlie Bucket. Currently under investigation by British authorities for illegally importing unregistered laborers from Loompaland, paying them only in cocoa beans. Authorized autobiographical 2005 film in attempt to rehabilitate image; revealed that as the son of a dentist, was long forbidden to eat chocolate. Member since 1964. -- David M. Ewalt

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates Willy Wonka

© Warner Brothers/Courtesy Everett Collection

#11 Bach, Arthur

Net Worth: $2 billion

Source: Inheritance

Age: 50

Marital Status: Divorced, no children.

Hometown: New York, N.Y.

Playboy layabout remains blissfully oblivious to changes in social mores. Still carouses in vintage '80s style: "I race cars, play tennis and womanize, <i>but</i> I have weekends off, and I'm my own boss." Attempt at marriage unsuccessful: no longer on speaking terms with former wife. Sobriety also unsuccessful. But inclination to blow family money on booze and toys tempered by a series of well-compensated butlers, who are instructed to keep almost all Bach's dollars safely in money market accounts. -- David M. Ewalt

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates Arthur Bach

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#12 Scrooge, Ebenezer 

Net Worth: $1.7 billion

Source: Banking, Investments

Age: 63

Marital Status: Single

Hometown: London, England

Education: University of Edinburgh

Briefly distracted by philanthropic causes a few years back, Scrooge is all business again. Came out of late '90s tech bubble unscathed, refusing to invest in stocks with "Humbug valuations." Sizable gold horde appreciating rapidly; said to make $10 million every time price of gold goes up by $1. Lifelong bachelor with few close associates. Strong believer in the paranormal; insists home is haunted by ghosts. Scrooge remains focal point for anger over excessive executive compensation. Most recent proxy discloses salary to be 927 times that of Bob Crachit, his long-suffering number two. Member since 1843. -- Michael Noer

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates Ebenezer Scrooge

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#13 Croft, Lara 

Net Worth: $1 billion

Source: Inheritance, Antiques

Age: 37

Marital Status: Single

Hometown: Wimbledon, England

Education: Cambridge University

Daughter of a British lord; raised in luxury. Gained fame and even more fortune by crawling into dusty tombs, charging through jungles and getting into gun fights. Archaeologist and author of travel books; responsible for numerous discoveries, including the lost city of Atlantis and Pandora's Box. Experienced windfall this year by licensing name to endorse variety of products, from handguns to hot pants. Rumored to have fought, killed Bigfoot. -- David M. Ewalt

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

 Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates Lara Croft

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#14 De Vil, Cruella

Net Worth: $1 billion

Source: Inheritance

Age: 65

Marital Status: Single

Hometown: London, England

Education: Fashion Institute of Technology

London fashion icon saw fortune grow as chain stores like J. Crew and Banana Republic embrace fur in fall collections. Recently gave up long-held dream of making fur coat from 99 Dalmatian puppies. EBay fanatic; online purchases purportedly include Hunter S. Thompson's cigarette holder, coat made from purebred pugs and Chihuahuas. Critics say she "ought to be locked up," but Cruella insists her only crime is her fashion sense. Insists that money can buy anything. Continues to live extravagantly but privately in the solitude of Hell Hall estate. Member since 1961. -- Matthew Herper

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

 Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates Cruella De Vil

© Warner Brothers/Courtesy Everett Collection

#15 Malfoy, Lucius

Net Worth: $900 million

Source: Inheritance

Age: 51

Marital Status: Married, one child.

Hometown: Wiltshire, England

Education: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Patriarch of ancient wizarding family is known for his luxurious white hair, advocacy for pureblood magicians, and violent hatred of Harry Potter. Family stores of gold and illegal Dark Arts artifacts amount to significant fortune, most of which is used to buy influence within the magical community. Caught red-handed burglarizing United Kingdom's Ministry of Magic; currently incarcerated in Azkaban prison. Once asked: "What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?" -- David M. Ewalt

Worldwide distribution of the Forbes Fictional 15

Diameter of disc reflects size of fortune. The red disc indicates Lucius Malfoy

from: http://www.forbes.com/2005/11/29/forbes-fictional-rich_cx_mn_de_05fict15land.html


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